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There's a lot of pavement in New York and I do a lot of walking. The result: I wear out my shoes fast! is saving me over $200 every year in cobbler repairs. Seriously.

Rebekah, NYC


Angela, Ohio

I'm so excited to do this myself. Thank you for making these available! Not only was it super expensive (I work downtown and walk on a lot of concrete!), but it was a pain to have to get my shoes to the cobbler every couple of months. is easy to use and very convenient.

Roberta, Connecticut

Thank heavens someone sells these things, I only wore my shoes once and the heel tips wore off...

Kate, Sydney

I needed a new pair of heeltips and my cobbler wanted to charge me $20. With I spent less than half.

Laura, NYC

Every hour the cobbler is open, I'm at work! Once I waited so long to replace the tips on my favourite high heel boots that I was literally walking on the nails. That is until one night on my way home from work a homeless man shouted at me, "You sound like a horse!" How much easier it would have been to fix them myself at home!

Lexa, LA

I used to retire my shoes to the trash can when the heels wore out. has revolutionized my shoe rack. I thank you and my wallet thanks you!!

Rebekah, NYC

There's a lot of pavement in New York and I do a lot of walking. The result: I wear out my shoes fast! is saving me over $200 every year on cobbler repairs. Seriously.

Theresa, Kentucky

I found out about from an article I read in RealSimple. I was so glad to find this website: I will save a lot of money and be able to save some of my favorite shoes!!
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