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Tips: A Shoe Blog

How To Pack Your Shoes for Summer Vacation

Summer is now in full swing!  Time to pack your swimsuits and strappy little sandals, and get out of town for a summer adventure.  But how do you pack your favorite shoes without the risk of damaging them?  Dealing with shoe repair while on vacation isn't exactly an ideal situation, so here are a few tips on how to pack your shoes properly.

Photo by Lauren Nelson

1.  Choose your bag carefully.  

If you're afraid of squashing your stylish stilettos, consider replacing your duffel or backpack with a rigid or hard-shell suitcase to offer more protection to shoes that might crumple and lose their shape.  A rigid suitcase will also protect you from the discomfort of carrying a bag with pointy heels poking from the sides.

2.  Select your shoes carefully.  

In addition to your heels, also pack flats or sneakers for when you find yourself walking on brutal cobblestone streets, touring dusty vineyards, or picnicking on a grassy lawn.

3.  Repair your shoes.  

Check to see if any repairs need to be done--you don't want to spend any of your precious vacation time searching for a cobbler, spending money buying replacement shoes, or worse--wearing your shoes while damaged (which can cause greater and possibly permanent damage to the shoe and your feet!)  Also, Some people do more walking while on vacation than in their day-to-day lives, so anticipate that your heeltips may wear a little faster during your trip, and consider replacing your old worn-out heeltips with fresh ones before you leave.

4.  Prepare your shoes.  

Wipe down leather shoes and soles with a soft dry cloth and Wipe rubber soles and heel tips with a damp cloth to avoid dirtying other items in your suitcase.  Allow all parts of your shoes (especially the insoles) to dry completely before packing them. 

5.  Bring the appropriate accessories.

A cloth shoe bag can protect your leather and suede shoes from scuffs and scratches.  Shoe liner-style socks not only keep your feet comfortable on hot summer days, but they also protect your shoes from sweaty unpleasant odors and moisture damage.

6.  Pack your shoes carefully.

Stuff rolled-up socks inside all of your crushable shoes.  Packing order is important--Pack rigid shoes, stilettos, and boots first.  Then pack your clothes--allowing them to wrap around the shoes, while filling in the spaces, providing padded protection and also securing your shoes in place.  Lastly, you can wedge ballet flats, flip flops or flat sandals in the edges of your suitcase.  If you aren't storing your shoes in shoe bags, remember to keep your heels pointed away from delicate items like pantyhose, satin or lacy dresses, and lingerie.  Alternatively, instead of using a shoe bag, you can also wrap shoes in sturdy clothing, like jeans.  Just remember to clean your shoes, first!  In a pinch, a plastic bag can also work as a cloth shoe bag alternative, as long as you dry out your shoes completely before placing them inside--this will discourage mildew and odors from setting in, and is especially important if you're visiting a humid area.

7.  Avoid over-packing.

Over-packing a bag can strain and damage the zipper.  If your zipper breaks, the items in your bag could easily fall out and become lost.  Over packing will also squeeze everything inside your suitcase, which can lead to wrinkled leather or fabric, overflexed and split soles, broken heels, dented toe boxes, and warped shoe backs.  You can avoid over packing, by lmiting the number of shoes that you bring.  Aim to pack no more than four pairs (easier said than done, we know!)  Packing one of each of the following should be sufficient:  High heels for going out at night, flats for shopping or walking tours, trail running shoes or sneakers for light hiking, and flip flops, sandals, or water socks for water-related activities.  If you must bring heavy hiking boots, consider wearing them on the plane or inside the car.  Just be prepared to arrive at the airport with enough time to sit down and remove your boots at the security gate (and then lace them back up again!) while everyone else is rushing past you!

Packing can be tricky, but taking extra care when packing your shoes will save you from wasting time and money!  And more time and money means more fun in the sun!
Posted: 7/6/2010 8:33:22 PM by Christina Melocik | with 0 comments

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